Stump Speech

Intro- I have not decided everything yet and will wait until the last possible second before my position is official. The hardest decisions I will wait the longest to make. If I get mad, I will not be running for a president or being a president until I calm down.  I want to be all good – I am running on a 100% positive, 100% good (to me) campaign. Any candidate who disagrees with me will be wrong, so I will deserve to win unless they can be better. They might be able to do better than me on health care and military. At the bottom, you will see that I cover 95% of what Democrats want and 95% of what Republicans want!

How would you like to unleash computers and robots without endangering humans?

Would you like to have freedom to do whatever you want with what you possess without stealing or killing, and a computer to greatly help you decide what you can do if you want its help?

Would you like a better form of capitalism, that is definitely not socialism or communism, where every good, service and combined good or service is balanced by a computer to make everything way more efficient?

Would you like to promote the family and good parenting?

Would you like religions to have more tiger than paper, and people can have abortions based on what they believe, and the same about euthanasia, but still anyone can switch religion safely?

Would you like reparations for every individual in America, evening things out for every single person according to their circumstances and upbringing?

Would you like a model that every country can follow so they don’t have to come here?

Then pay attention!


The system is optional

What we will have is a computer system that can use cash or can compare every good and good made out of goods and every service and service made out of services to each other. The computer can take your usual spending habits and tell you what you’re up against and are you gaining or losing and estimate by how much. You can compare to one number or the price of 10 items or more. People can even create their own currency mechanisms for others to use to compete. The number will always be greater than 0 and we can have an amount and a rate and more derivatives if wanted. We protect you so you can’t go below 0 in what you have and will be able to survive.

For instance, if tents are more expensive, sleeping bags will be more expensive while cotton clothing will be less expensive.

If you want just one number, you can have just one number, and you can see a chart of how much money you have in time.

Try it out when you’re ready and where you’re ready. Cash is just another good.

When you cash out or cash in, the computer distributes the rewards maximally in the economy.

Allow for future: Things will be valued throughout time. Short-term and infinity-term are both very important.

Inheritance tax: you can have a will, but if you don’t when you die your reward points get distributed maximally to everyone.

No human can handle this, but a computer can and this will make everything more efficient. You can be guided to what to do or make with the computer’s help which will greatly improve everything, or produce anything you want on your own if you have the goods and/or ability.

Families, cities, states, and government can have their own computers and it can be transparent. You can always exchange computer-registered value for cash and vice versa with the goal of getting rid of money. People and groups can opt in and opt out of the system, and will be compensated. Each subgroup can configure the program how they want.

Goods and services that go against each other are noted.

There will be freedom to do whatever you want and survive, but based on how people cooperate things may be hard or easy for those who don’t end up helping.

Computers can advise what to do instead of everyone just deciding what they want to do, so it’s way more efficient.

Life risk. Taking a risk has a reward based on the probability of death and how valuable the service.

On patents I don’t know yet. We want to protect an individual or group’s time and effort to create something but we want other people to be able to improve on it eventually.

Stewardship, survival and people wanting healthy descendants: So in our computer system with keeping track of things we keep track of how healthy the planet is too. Science already knows we need to act but corporations don’t know how to measure it, so we fast track that. Obviously the computer will make a huge reward for who helps them do this. Reward is for healthier future descendants. Any risk to humanity should be fought. If a religion doesn’t believe it’s a threat they are exempt, but still can be rewarded for helping. If its a low risk and high cost the computer will have to be merciful, like a meteor. That might be the only time we have to program it.

Maybe computers could invest if people invest in them – the computer could decide who to pay out to for maximal results to, wanting to protect human life.

A stock market run by computer + a stock market run by a human can’t go below 0 and there is no fear or greed in the computer one (because it decides who to pay out to). No short-selling or other methods that could result in debt are allowed.

Here is everything else about money in no particular order.

You’ll still have Shark Tank.

You can always have children and people will be motivated to give them education and fulfillment. If you raise them better you get more reward. There can be big orphanages. This will increase the motivation to be good stewards of the planet. People that fail and end up living in tents and sleeping bags will not cost the environment so much.

Human stewardship not computer; humans will remain in charge. A computer that tries to take charge will be criminal along with its programmers.

Corporations can be created to check other corporations and the wicked will punish the wicked. The righteous cannot be hurt.

Continual status quo like loan – deals can survive perpetually. You keep exchanging things in a deal until you don’t.

What will “inflation” be? People will be expected to do more gradually over time through natural factors inherent in this system.

Insurance will still be there, but the government will finally be able to do it better so there will be no overhead.

Gold and Bitcoin will be worth what they are not much


So when people don’t turn out to be productive, they can still survive. If it’s a big problem, they get tents, sleeping bags, food, water, a place to go to the bathroom and policing for safety. We can even force them to take uncomfortable, low-paying jobs if necessary. If not, they get more. We can also use strong advertising to make people want to earn up so they can get something. Education, training and fulfillment are free. If we have to have strong advertising to encourage them we will. We want people to not be like this.

Families will not be separated.

Benefits and Rewards

There will still be corporations and you can find your niche with or without the computers help.

Just to reiterate you have complete freedom with what you own and the computer can help you decide what to go into. There are no loans. People who have give to you what you want so you can do things, and you can work out deals if you succeed. These are still like loans, but you never can go below 0.

Since you get rewards for things, one thing you can be rewarded in is deciding who can get the reward of who gets your extra help.

Nanotech – this can stop a great deal of manual labor. So can a reduced military (former soldiers can then share in the national manual labor). Those who suffer more get more representation in government.

Reparations for everyone – everyone gets an adversity score like a college entrance has, and we counterbalance what they give with how hard they had it at birth and after.

Influenced must give credit to reward them

Campaign financing – I’ll allow any of it legally. If there’s a crime the AI will report it. People can vote on what’s legal.

First Ammendment

Religious enforcement to stay in religion. Religions can pass laws for their members; anyone can safely leave a religion and they only can grant who joins them. They can also kick you out of their religion (but you will be safe).

Media – all the media channels will reward those who produce the most in them, according to all the watchers and what the watchers want.

Lying – Speech is free but we can make other things illegal like if it leads to death or deterioration of value. If you lower the value of things it can be judged like stealing. Stealing will be illegal. If you dip below 0 you won’t go below 0 but it will be reported that you went to 0.

Computers like AI can obey religions themselves when helping people with their religions. They can do great to help religions that are shown to help grow. They can do great to help religions to be able to be helpful.

Founders wanted freedom of religion not freedom from religion, but times are different:

Order in Universe just makes them want to care for it – the computer helps people be more religious in their religions. If they’re not religious, we show order in the Universe and behavior in biology to motivate those people to want to help as well.

Abortion based on belief but born children must be cared for. Your rights to abortion will be granted based on your religion/denomination. Abortion will have a reward cost due to inefficiency and not bringing up the child. All children must have access to education training and fulfillment.

We will try to get help from the Raelians and many other religions in how we implement government, not just in having computers help with it but doing so ourselves. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Second Ammendment

Gun control – we have a gun that can knock someone unconscious for 40 minutes without killing them. We could have cameras and microphones that monitor people for crime but no human can access the footage until an AI verifies criminal intent or a crime committed. Then with guns we can invent guns where you are only allowed to shoot in true defense (so nobody will be able to shoot in offense).

Killing animals shooting men – So if you have the first gun I mentioned that can knock someone unconscious for 40 minutes, and hopefully then you’ll have the police drag them away, if you use it on an animal you can then peacefully slit its throat.

We will gradually seek to replace guns with better guns, as there is no disadvantage.

4th Ammendment

Cameras and microphones connected to AI can monitor everything, but no one will ever have access to them unless they can show intent to commit a crime or a crime being attempted or having just been completed.


No pedophilia tolerated. It is too damaging to kids. They will be locked up and tortured or killed if killing is allowed.

We will be maximally harsh on criminals, especially since they have a save harbor. Zero tolerance for crime.

If someone goes below 0 somehow from crime, they go straight to jail and have to do hard work to earn back points from 0.


Health Care – So we can have basic health care where they have to be educated and prevent things that are preventable on their own. For better service you have to earn it and we want to reward doctors hard. I’m not sure about this yet. It’s just so expensive that you have to be healthy on your own when you can, but maybe that’s not a bad thing. If someone wants to provide for you when you’re in trouble they can. The doctor does not belong to you. I want my campaign to be 100% positive, but being 100% positive with the military and medicare is not possible yet.

Justice is part of the constitutional. We can’t afford to let people just be lazy and get health care. It’s better if people are healthy and take care of themselves and their dependants. When people comply we can have more health care rights up to complete universal health care well done.

Fulfillment will help people get off drugs. For prescription drugs, see patents.

Education training fulfillment

Politics books may be rewarded a lot. Same with STEM education books.

100% employment may be possible.

Education should not be dangerous on the world stage.


You must have crossed the border before it can be judged as a crime because otherwise you are not in the country, so crossing the border isn’t a crime. We can have plenty of fun with immigrants after they come in.

Zionism – As long as either side is respecting the other’s rights they are free to act. Other countries can copy us or not. As for policing the world we will try to set a good example and hopefully get the world to draw down its military together. I’m not sure about this yet.

Consciousness objector – if anyone desires not to fight in war, their rights should be respected. It shouldn’t be a problem and we want to gradually build down our militaries. The US will remain a shining example on the world military stage with efforts to be peaceful.

Military – haven’t decided yet. If we can survive only defending our own country that might be wise. Then getting into other wars will be done to make things better. We want to decrease global conflict. This may not be perfect yet but we will try.

Government spending

Only survival education fulfillment and debt

Freedom voluntary efficient local describes what people what people’s options are like.

There will be no taxes except things will be taken out for those 4 things. The computer will decide how quickly to lower the debt.

Type of government

Federalist theocratic technocratic meritocracy merciful Modech party.

Geniocracy – We will have government by geniuses (50% above normal IQ) and voted by the smart (10% above normal IQ). Some empathy can get you in there if you are close, as well as commitment to service.

We want open source, transparent government. Other countries can copy it.

Pathway to victory

I cannot raise millions of dollars for millions of votes. I want “Faithless electors,” electoral college members who vote against the president for me. At the end of this stump, you will see that I greatly satisfy Republicans and Democrats.

Tell me what you want in government! What do you like and not like about my platform?

Use Chat GPT Republican and Democrat strategies in stump speech

Republican –

  1. Economy & Taxes
  • Cutting taxes and reducing government spending – check
  • Promoting free-market policies and reducing regulations – more of a free market, more freedom
  • Supporting American energy independence – besides paying down the debt, Americans can use energy wisely.
  1. Border Security & Immigration
  • Strengthening border security and enforcing immigration laws – these laws are for our citizens and any country can follow our model. If they want to come over here, we can keep track of whether they will be able to survive, and people can vote on it. Since countries can follow our model eventually things will be OK. Also, we should be kind enough to let people in who will genuinely help. Remember we will monitor everything anonymously.
  • Opposing illegal immigration and sanctuary cities – same
  • Supporting merit-based legal immigration – merit or just being helpful.
  1. Crime & Law Enforcement
  • Backing law enforcement and opposing defunding the police – check, rewarding police
  • Tough-on-crime policies, including stricter sentencing for violent crimes – check
  • Addressing drug trafficking and the opioid crisis – check, people can get rewarded for it
  1. Second Amendment & Gun Rights
  • Protecting the right to bear arms – check, while preventing killing
  • Opposing gun control measures that restrict law-abiding citizens – check, not a problem
  1. Education & Parental Rights
  • Expanding school choice (charter schools, vouchers, homeschooling) – anyone can compete to provide education, but the government will provide the best education and training
  • Opposing Critical Race Theory (CRT) and progressive gender policies in schools – by solving those problems, there will be nothing left to address. However we will do an adversity score for every single person individually.
  • Increasing transparency in education curriculum- totally transparent code and availability to watch teachers since education is free
  1. Foreign Policy & National Security
  • Standing up to China and other adversaries – we will do our best and set an example for the world. We will not give up rewards for no reason.
  • Strengthening the U.S. military and national defense – We will try to be good with the military.
  • Supporting Israel and other key allies – every country can defend itself, and Israel is very advanced. We want to protect Ukraine and Taiwan too. The world can reward us!
  1. Energy & Environment
  • Promoting domestic oil, gas, and nuclear energy production – we will do it wisely
  • Opposing extreme climate policies like the Green New Deal – we will do it wisely, we don’t need communism.
  • Supporting an all-of-the-above energy strategy – to every energy what its worth
  1. Healthcare
  • Lowering healthcare costs through free-market solutions – people will be free to set them up
  • Opposing government-run healthcare (like Medicare for All) – only for survival when they take maximum care of themselves, unless they start to get healthy on their own and then we might be able to increase it
  • Supporting price transparency and competition in the healthcare industry – this will reduce the price of healthcare and it will be done
  1. Social & Cultural Issues
  • Protecting religious freedoms – big check
  • Opposing radical gender ideology and maintaining traditional values – up to religion
  • Defending free speech against Big Tech and government overreach – check, while keeping us safe as described
  1. Election Integrity
  • Supporting voter ID laws and secure elections – bull crap, voter ID is used to suppress voting, and remember we want geniocracy
  • Opposing mass mail-in ballots without verification – again, elections are already safe
  • Ensuring fair and transparent election processes – of course. They’re called “Democrats btw.”

Democrat issues

  1. Economy & Workers’ Rights
  • Raising the federal minimum wage and supporting workers’ rights – we can seek to improve the minimal survival standards.
  • Strengthening unions and collective bargaining – Unions are legal. Computers can negotiate them fairly before they start.
  • Expanding economic opportunities and reducing income inequality – more freedom but the rich deserve what they get! We don’t want a war on wealth or merit! Our efforts may help the poor and middle class earn more anyway.
  1. Healthcare
  • Expanding access to affordable healthcare (Medicare for All or public option) – see health care
  • Lowering prescription drug prices – see patents
  • Protecting and strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – see health care.
  1. Climate Change & Environment
  • Supporting clean energy and reducing carbon emissions – that will be part of the value of goods and goods of goods and services and services of services
  • Rejoining and strengthening international climate agreements – we can definitely do that as it will be beneficial, and countries can copy us.
  • Investing in green jobs and infrastructure – yes, these things should bring reward as they are helpful
  1. Education
  • Increasing funding for public education and raising teacher salaries – we will have education for everyone, maybe a few teachers, and they will be greatly rewarded, but there simply might not be as many teachers, so they can do other things.
  • Expanding access to universal pre-K and tuition-free community college – yes, we should basically have this.
  • Addressing student loan debt through forgiveness or reform – there will be no debt.
  1. Civil Rights & Social Justice
  • Protecting voting rights and opposing voter suppression laws – definitely
  • Supporting racial justice and police reform – definitely, including litigating for everyone individually.
  • Advancing LGBTQ+ rights, including protections against discrimination – definitely, including litigating for everyone individually.
  1. Gun Reform
  • Expanding background checks and closing loopholes – see 2nd ammendment
  • Supporting bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines – see 2nd ammendment
  • Implementing red flag laws to prevent gun violence – see 2nd ammendment
  1. Immigration Reform
  • Providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DACA recipients – if they can help they can come. In other countries they can follow our lead.
  • Reforming the asylum process and improving conditions at the border – that would make things easier on people, so it should come with a reward, perhaps negotiated internationally.
  • Opposing family separation and harsh immigration enforcement – family togetherness will increase value of family members, and remember that families can have their own computer systems.
  1. Reproductive Rights & Women’s Issues
  • Protecting abortion rights and access to reproductive healthcare – according to their religion
  • Expanding paid family leave and affordable childcare – this might make things more fair
  • Closing the gender wage gap – Biden just passed the law, but it depends on how skilled each gender is. We want children.
  1. Democracy & Election Integrity
  • Strengthening voting rights protections (like the John Lewis Voting Rights Act) – definitely, remember we will do geniocracy though
  • Reforming campaign finance to reduce corporate influence in politics – if they collude the prices will reflect it.
  • Expanding access to early voting and vote-by-mail – definitely
  1. Technology & Internet Policy
  • Expanding broadband access, especially in rural and underserved areas – this will just happen
  • Regulating Big Tech to protect privacy and prevent misinformation – privacy, check. Misinformation, check.
  • Encouraging investment in AI and digital infrastructure – that’s what this whole thing is part of