galactic fulfillment

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How would you like to not only know the best things to think about now, but in thousands, millions and billions of years as well? This book will be like Star Wars™, but much more exciting with realistic science. We have so much more science ready to present as well. We present only science we are sure of and although the book is compartmentalized the reader can infer great plot. Two key events are discovering Aliens and colliding with the Andromeda galaxy in 6 billion years. Evaluating our chances of survival against possible Aliens requires observing how moral we each are! As being God is at the end of Kardashev scale, we look at various ways to play the role of God.

“Eric Eliason’s book, Galactic Fulfillment: Always Pursuing Life’s Meaning, is an interesting read. It does not come across as a discussion in and of itself, but the many points that are brought out in the book are interesting points of discussion. In the beginning of the book, Mr. Eliason covers the idea of thinking and the many points in the book each lead to a pathway of inner inspection and reflection. Whether the lens provided is through math, science, game theory or AI, the author presents many avenues to explore the meaning of life. I liked the way the book is organized and the thoughts presented are in a format that allows for diversity. I enjoyed this book and found it very thought provoking.” – Ron Twitchell, Ph. D

“Eric Eliason is an author of many books. In each book his writing style improves. His ideas are profound and fresh. “ – Leah Eliason

“This is a page turner! Eric has a brilliant and one-of-a-kind mind. He is uniquely fit to connect theory from a broad range of scientific fields with philosophic reasoning to create this compelling dissertation on the progression of existence itself. Through reading, I gained an expanded perspective on life and decision making. I’m now better equipped to view activities from a bird’s eye perspective. As with Eric’s other works, it improved my critical thinking and would be valuable for anyone looking to expand their analytical skills to better solve the challenges they are facing. “Oh my Heck! Galactic Fulfillment” is an enjoyable and beneficial journey for the brain. – Ryan Eliason, Actuarial Senior Manager”

Correction: I thought that all wars had been decided by who had better math. After reading most of, “Trust Me, I Know What I’m Doing: 100 More Mistakes That Lost Elections, Ended Empires, and Made the World What It Is Today,” by Bill Fawcett, I realized that many were just psychologically decided. However, with two balanced Alien/human species, I suspect that in the far future it would/will be decided by who has better math and morals.

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